Halloween Pulse Blast

Halloween Pulse Blast is just a Costume. If you select the costume (by clicking the Costume button on the ship screen and selecting Halloween), then Pulse Blast will still have the ability and power of whichever skin you have selected, but it will appear both to you and any opponent as the Halloween costume. This may be a small advantage in PvP as your opponent won't know which skin you are using, but other than that, it's just for looks.

Halloween Pulse Blast
Ship Number: 1
Features: None
Cost: Events

Pulse Blast Skins

PulseBlast.png Pulse Blast Standard Ship
PulseBlastGain.png Pulse Blast Gain +25% Damage
PulseBlastSpectre.png Pulse Blast Spectre +50% Damage
PulseBlastFirestorm.png Pulse Blast Firestorm +100% Damage
MysticPulseBlast.png Mystic Pulse Blast +70% Damage; Tighter bullet spread with high damage central bullets
PredatorPulseBlast.png Predator Pulse Blast +60% Damage; Launches EMP orbs that disrupt enemy's weapons; Evolve bonus: Launches more orbs, breaks enemy's shields
TransformerPulseBlast.png Transformer Pulse Blast +100% Damage

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