Pulse Blast

From Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooter Wiki
Pulse Blast
Ship Number: 1
Rating: ★☆☆☆☆☆
Cost: Free (Start ship)

Pulse Blast is the first ship. It shoots out green arrows, one arrow per bullet level. Once bullet level goes above 3 the arrows spread out in a slight fan shape.


Pulse Blast has 30 power upgrades, and 8 Bullet levels.

Pulse Blast Rank



Evolve on Pulse Blast causes all aliens to be covered with a static effect. This prevents them from dropping bombs.

  • Level 1 Evolve1.png: +1% Damage.

Cost: 80 evolve stones. Requires Bullet Level 4 and Power 10 to upgrade

  • Level 2 Evolve2.png: +1% Damage.
    Evolve 2 changes the bullet colour, makes them more powerful, and increases the spread angle. If bullet level is 3 it will increase it to 4, and if bullet level is 5 it will increase it to 6.

Cost: 120 evolve stones. Requires Bullet Level 6 and Power 20 to upgrade

  • Level 3 Evolve3.png: +1% Damage.
    Evolve 3 increases the Damage delivered by the bullets.

Cost: 200 evolve stones. Requires full Bullet Level (8) and full Power (30) to upgrade

Pulse Blast Skins

PulseBlast.png Pulse Blast Standard Ship
PulseBlastGain.png Pulse Blast Gain +25% Damage
PulseBlastSpectre.png Pulse Blast Spectre +50% Damage
PulseBlastFirestorm.png Pulse Blast Firestorm +100% Damage
MysticPulseBlast.png Mystic Pulse Blast +70% Damage; Tighter bullet spread with high damage central bullets
PredatorPulseBlast.png Predator Pulse Blast +60% Damage; Launches EMP orbs that disrupt enemy's weapons; Evolve bonus: Launches more orbs, breaks enemy's shields
TransformerPulseBlast.png Transformer Pulse Blast +100% Damage

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