Wisdom Glory

From Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooter Wiki
Wisdom Glory
Ship Number: 2
Rating: ★☆☆☆☆☆
Cost: Free (Start ship)

Wisdom Glory is the second ship, and one of the three that you start the game with. Wisdom Glory shoots out blue arrows, one additional one for each bullet level. Once bullet level goes above 3 the arrows shoot out in a fan, with a wider angle than Pulse Blast.


Wisdom Glory has 40 power upgrades, and 8 Bullet levels. The last 10 Power levels can only be unlocked using Overload Orbs.

Wisdom Glory Rank


  • Level 1 Evolve1.png: +1% Damage.
    Wisdom Glory Evolve changes the outward angled bullets, and turns them inwards, creating an intense stream of bullets in the centre.

Cost: 40 evolve stones. Requires Bullet Level 4 and Power 10 to upgrade

  • Level 2 Evolve2.png: +1% Damage.
    Evolve Level 2 makes the stream tighter, further intensifying the effect.

Cost: 60 evolve stones. Requires Bullet Level 6 and Power 20 to upgrade

  • Level 3 Evolve3.png: +1% Damage.

Cost: 100 evolve stones. Requires full Bullet Level (8) and full Power (30) to upgrade

Wisdom Glory Skins

WisdomGlory.png Wisdom Glory Standard Ship
WisdomGloryHell.png Wisdom Glory Hell +45% Damage
WisdomGloryEvil.png Wisdom Glory Evil +90% Damage
GalaxyWisdomGlory.png Galaxy Wisdom Glory +65% Damage; PVP Only: Activate some explosions on your opponents wave
MysticWisdomGlory.png Mystic Wisdom Glory +65% Damage; Fires bullets in sine waves
PredatorWisdomGlory.png Predator Wisdom Glory +60% Damage; Fires multiple waves of bullets on opponents. Evolve bonus: Increases number of waves
TransformerWisdomGlory.png Transformer Wisdom Glory +100% Damage

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