Predator Wisdom Glory

From Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooter Wiki
Predator Wisdom Glory
Ship Number: 2
Rating: ★★★☆☆☆
Features: +60% Damage; Fires multiple waves of bullets on opponents. Evolve bonus: Increases number of waves
Cost: Events or 50 Skin Pieces


Predator Wisdom Glory has 10 power upgrades, which increase the power from the standard Wisdom Glory up to the +60% additional damage. So each power upgrade should give an additional 6% power over the standard ship.


  • Level 1 Evolve1.png: +1% Damage.
    Wisdom Glory Evolve changes the outward angled bullets, and turns them inwards, creating an intense stream of bullets in the centre.

Cost: 40 evolve stones. Requires Bullet Level 4 and Power 10 to upgrade

  • Level 2 Evolve2.png: +1% Damage.
    Evolve Level 2 makes the stream tighter, further intensifying the effect.

Cost: 60 evolve stones. Requires Bullet Level 6 and Power 20 to upgrade

  • Level 3 Evolve3.png: +1% Damage.

Cost: 100 evolve stones. Requires full Bullet Level (8) and full Power (30) to upgrade

Wisdom Glory Skins

WisdomGlory.png Wisdom Glory Standard Ship
WisdomGloryHell.png Wisdom Glory Hell +45% Damage
WisdomGloryEvil.png Wisdom Glory Evil +90% Damage
GalaxyWisdomGlory.png Galaxy Wisdom Glory +65% Damage; PVP Only: Activate some explosions on your opponents wave
MysticWisdomGlory.png Mystic Wisdom Glory +65% Damage; Fires bullets in sine waves
PredatorWisdomGlory.png Predator Wisdom Glory +60% Damage; Fires multiple waves of bullets on opponents. Evolve bonus: Increases number of waves
TransformerWisdomGlory.png Transformer Wisdom Glory +100% Damage

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