Galaxy Assassin

From Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooter Wiki
Galaxy Assassin
Ship Number: 7
Rating: ★★★★☆☆
Features: +35% Damage; PvP Only: Activate Frozen Effect on aliens
Cost: Events Only

Galaxy Assassin is 35% more powerful than the standard Phantom Assassin. In PvP mode it will activate Frozen Effect on your opponent's screen every 60 seconds, disabling your opponent's firepower whenever they hit a white mist alien.



Galaxy Assassin has 10 power upgrades, which increase the power from the standard Phantom Assassin up to the +35% additional damage. So each power upgrade should give an additional 3.5% power over the standard ship.


  • Level 1 Evolve1.png: +1% Damage.
    Evolve on Assassin greatly increases the speed at which the sideways homing shots fire, making them an effective attack on aliens anywhere on screen.

Cost: 100 evolve stones. Requires Bullet Level 4 and Power 10 to upgrade

  • Level 2 Evolve2.png: +1% Damage.
    Evolve 2 on Assassin introduces a freeze-ray which shoots out periodically, freezing aliens in blocks of ice.

Cost: 150 evolve stones. Requires Bullet Level 6 and Power 20 to upgrade

  • Level 3 Evolve3.png: +1% Damage.

Cost: 250 evolve stones. Requires full Bullet Level (8) and full Power (30) to upgrade

Assassin Skins

PhantomAssassin.png Phantom Assassin Standard Ship
GoldenAssassin.png Golden Assassin +25% Damage
FrozenAssassin.png Frozen Assassin +50% Damage; Increase the frozen time on Aliens by 100%
GalaxyAssassin.png Galaxy Assassin +35% Damage; PVP Only: Activate Frozen Effect for some enemies on your opponent's wave
MysticAssassin.png Mystic Assassin +35% Damage; Homing missiles have a chance to duplicate on impact
PredatorAssassin.png Predator Assassin 30% Damage; Launches snowballs on opponents, which explode into freezing clouds. Evolve bonus: Increases number of snowballs
TransformerAssassin.png Transformer Assassin +60% Damage; Homing missiles have a chance to duplicate on impact

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