Halloween Terminator

Halloween Terminator is just a Costume. If you select the costume (by clicking the Costume button on the ship screen and selecting Halloween), then Terminator will still have the ability and power of whichever skin you have selected, but it will appear both to you and any opponent as the Halloween costume. This may be a small advantage in PvP as your opponent won't know which skin you are using, but other than that, it's just for looks.

Halloween Terminator
Ship Number: 9
Features: None
Cost: Events

Terminator Skins

Terminator.png Terminator Standard Ship
WinterTerminator.png Winter Terminator +15% Damage
XTerminator.png XTerminator +30% Damage
GalaxyTerminator.png Galaxy Terminator +20% Damage; Emitting a couple of laser beams towards opponents
MysticTerminator.png Mystic Terminator +20% Damage; Has a chance to launch napalm missiles, which create a burning zone upon impact, dealing damage over time
PredatorTerminator.png Predator Terminator +18% Damage; Sends a drone to destroy opponent with a massive laser beam, heating up the area around it. Gives teammates Super Power for 5 seconds. Evolve bonus: More repeated attacks, wider heat zone
TransformerTerminator.png Transformer Terminator +40% Damage

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